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How Much Money Does A Youtube Partner Get

Date: August 21, 2012 Author: ang Category: Social Media Tags: , Comments: 0

How much money do Youtube partners get? The number varies significantly depending on the Youtube channel's popularity. It's estimated that Youtube Partners make $2 - $5 per 1000 views per video. One thing is for sure, it takes work to make money with with a Youtube Channel and it's a very competitive. By the way, owning a Youtube channel and a being a Youtube Partner are required to profit with Youtube.

How much money does a youtube channel make

Here's a list of the top Youtube channels and their estimated income.

  1. ShaneDawsonTV - $315,000 per year and is owned by Shane Dawson.
  2. Annoying Orange - $288,000 per year and is run by Dane Boedigheimer.
  3. Phillip DeFranco - $181,00 per year, owned by Philip DeFranco.
  4. nigahiga - $151,000 per year and is run by Ryan Higa.
  5. Fred - $146,000 per year and is owned by Lucas Cruikshank.
  6. shaycarl - $140,000 per year and is owned by Shay Carl.
  7. MediocreFilms - $116,000/year and is owned by Greg Benson. Notice how Greg didn't use his name as his Youtube user name, very smart. Now Greg can sell his Youtube channel when he 'retires'.
  8. smosh - $113,000/year and is run by Anthony Padilla and Ian Hecox.
  9. TheYoungTurks - $112,000 a year and is hosted by Cenk Uygur.
  10. communitychannel - $101,000 a year and is hosted by Natalie Tran.
It's not hard to see what demographic watches Youtube. Teenage Latinos, Asians and African Americas mostly watch Youtube with little to no college education. The ratio of girls to boys is split equally. I have a strong hunch that, much of the homosexual male population make up a large percentage of the male viewers. I don't see this demographic as a very profitable one, but the numbers are true all the same. This being said, there is still money to be made creating Youtube video for different demographics, you just have to find a niche.

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