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Google Penguin

Date: May 3, 2012 Author: ang Category: Affordable Web Design Business How To Blog Internet Tips Social Networking Tutorials WordPress Tags: , , Comments: 0

April 24th Google Released Google Penguin.

On April 20th, Google updated Panda and on April 24, Google released what's now called Google Penguin. Here's the official Google Post on it.

Google Penguin unlike Panda down ranks websites based on other sites that link to them. I never thought Google would do this, because in the process of making search engine manipulation harder, they've opened up a whole new option for web spam. Your web competitors can now create bad links pointing to your website in hopes Google Penguin will down rank it. I'm not able to find any information on this, but it's the obvious result.

In any case, there are some things you can do to protect or recover your site from Google Penguin.

How to protect your website from Google Penguin:

  1. Delete any spammy links pointing to your website. Delete any link farm blogs or websites full of one sentence posts linking to your main website.
  2. Delete backlinks from blog networks with bad reputations.
  3. Delete any backlinks from spun articles.
  4. Delete any backlinks from duplicate content.
  5. Deactivate any WordPress plugins that generate link clusters within your blog pages or at least. Google detects 'unnatural' or, over linking on a website as spammy.

Basically, Google is trying to make their search engine manipulating even harder. They're promoting what they call 'White Hat SEO' and warning against 'Black hat webspam'. There will be more Google Updates against attemps to manipulate search engine results. Google isn't about to release significant information about their algorithms. It's more productive to spend your time producing good content rather than trying to find a loop whole in an ever-changing Google.

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