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Using Facebook For Marketing

Date: May 12, 2012 Author: ang Category: Affordable Web Design Internet Tips Social Networking Tutorials Tags: Comments: 0

Website traffic is the hardest task to achieve for any website owner and using Facebook as a marketing tool is nothing new. There are ways to go about it properly. You don't have to violate Facebook's policy in the process of generating traffic to your website. If you are spam inviting friends on Facebook, to generate traffic to your website, make sure ask permission to add new friends. You can message about 30 people a day. Once you have Facebook's friends, only spam invite friends of friends up to 12 a day.

Below is a list of Facebook warning messages and how to deal with them.

<h3>do you know this person?

Friend requests are for people you know, like classmates, friends, family and coworkers. Please don't send this friend request unless you know this person personally.</h3>

do you know this person?
Friend requests are for people you know, like classmates, friends, family and coworkers. Please don't send this friend request unless you know this person personally.

If you're adding someone on Facebook, and you get this error message, it's because Facebook has noticed you have zero friends connecting to this person. If you continue to send this person, an add request, Facebook will ask the person if they know you. If the person clicks 'no', then Facebook will temporarily ban your account for a period of time depending on how many Facebook violations, you've occurred already.
Website traffic is the hardest task to achieve for any website owner and using Facebook as a way to let people know about your site is nothing new. There are ways to go about it properly. You don't have to violate Facebook's policy in the process. If you are spam inviting, to generate traffic to your website, make sure ask permission to add new friends. You can message about 30 people a day. Once you have Facebook's friends, only spam invite friends of friends up to 12 a day.

If you're adding someone on Facebook, and you get this error message, it's because Facebook has noticed you have zero friends connecting to this person. If you continue to send this person, an add request, Facebook will ask the person if they know you. If the person clicks 'no', then Facebook will temporarily ban your account for a period of time depending on how many Facebook violations, you've occurred already.

Friend Requests Temporarily Blocked
It looks like you sent friend requests to people you may not know, so you won’t be able to send friend requests for 2 days.

To keep this from happening again, please only send friend requests to people you know, like classmates, friends, family and coworkers.

If you're getting this error message, then you've added to many people for the day, and Facebook understands that you are probably spamming friend invites. Follow the instructions and start friend requesting after two days. Remember to invite friends of friends and not more than 12 friends invites her day.

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