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free online image resizer without losing quality

Date: June 27, 2012 Author: ang Category: Affordable Web Design Internet Tips Tutorials Tags: Comments: 0

You can easily resize a picture online free using Follow the steps below.

  1. Go to
  2. Click the 'Open image from computer' option.
  3. Click on the crop tool icon. Use this tool to crop out any excess space on your image.

    Note: After you select the crop tool, drag it over your image  then unclick the mouse button. You can resize the crop area by dragging the blue square corners of the crop area.
  4. Click the 'Enter' key to finish cropping or the 'ESC' key to cancel.
  5. Once you've cropped your image, it's time to resize it. Click the "Image size...' option under 'Image'.
  6. Enter the dimensions and click 'Ok'.

Important: I noticed a bug when saving images. Sometimes Pixlr doesn't add the file-type extension to the image when saved. To solve this problem, type in the image extensions along with the file name when saving images.

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