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Interesting Website Ideas

Date: July 19, 2012 Author: ang Category: Affordable Web Design Business Internet Tips Tags: Comments: 0

I've written two other blog post regarding interesting website ideas, and they were very popular, so here's another post for you guys.

  1. Capsule Apartments Blog - The American economy is moving in the socialist direction. As business moves out of the US to Japan and Germany where taxes are less, the American economy will decline even more. Right now, the 'smallest' apartment in America is still pretty big, ~78 square feet. The 'capsule apartments'(example1example2) in Japan are even smaller. You can bet that as American population increases while the economy decreases, capsule apartments, will start getting popular there too. If someone was to create a blog on the topic, news, and capsule apartments in America, the blog would have a significant lead on any websites that try to cover the topic after the fact.
  2. Do-It-Yourself-Blog - The American economy may get worse. If so, people will need to take more matters into their own hands. Do-it-yourself blogs might be a good investment.
  3. Clean-It-Yourself Blog - " "
  4. Fix-It-Yourself Blog - " "
  5. Smart Glasses App Preparation - This is a far stretched hunch, but a good one all the same I have a feeling, smart glasses will become the norm. Smart phones will become a thing-of-the-past and taking video and pics of what's in front of your face will become reflex for most people. As nice as it is to take pictures of everything around you, would it be nice to take pictures of yourself? Would it be interesting to see how you laugh, what you look like when you talk, or how you react? If enough people have smart phones, I think a smart glasses app will unearth itself allowing people to take photos from nearby smart glasses pointing at your smart glasses. To prepare for such a popular app would be a good investment right now. If you are an app developer, perhaps you can think of a better smart glasses app.
  6. Online Tutor - As the American economy crashes, online education courses will become more than just a novelty. Even the lazy, out of touch federal government will be forced to be practical and most all education dealing with the 'Reading', 'Writing' and 'Arithmetic' will be done online. I predict it will happen in 10 years or less. That's a long ways away, but the idea can still be used today since many students are already taking online courses, and it would be a stable investment. An online tutor can create a website that offers online tutoring.

    Here are some possible tools at an online tutor's disposal. Google Calendar allows you to let customer schedule appointments free.

    Google Docs lets you collaboration on documents so that more than one person can write on the same document at once. There's also the handy possibility of using Remote computer control software.

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