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AdSense vs BuySellAds

Date: July 11, 2012 Author: ang Category: Affordable Web Design How To Blog Internet Tips Tags: , Comments: 0

Sometimes a blogger will ask me which advertising method is better pertaining to AdSense vs BuySellAds. They aren't necessarily better than one another, more than they are situational.

  1. A new blog with hardly any traffic can setup an AdSense account where as BuySellAds require a 50k pageviews per month average.
  2. You have to reset the price for your ad display rates every month or so on your BuySellAds account to keep your prices competitive. With an AdSense account your click rates are adjusted by Google to stay competitive automatically.
  3. The highest monthly income for a BuySellAds website is about $8k/month. There are some AdSense advertisers who make over a hundred thousand or more per month. So perhaps AdSense is more profitable to use on a websites with less than 50k pageviews/m or really 'high traffic' around 2,550,000+ pageviews/m).
    Example BuySellAds: makes about 7,194/month.

    Example AdSense: makes well over $132,994.97/month.


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