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How To Make A Word Link To A Website

Date: September 13, 2012 Author: ang Category: Tutorials Tags: , Comments: 0

In this tutorial I will show you how to make a word link to a website. In other words, I will show how to make a text link using HTML.

How to make a text link

  1. In the HTML or source code of you website, insert this markup snippet:

     Javascript |  copy code |? 
    <a href="" target="_blank" Alt="a link about eye care" title="eye care&nbsp;information">eyecare101</a>

    This is how the link appears to visitors: eyecare101

  2. You will have to change the url section of the markup "" to be the actual URL to the website you want to link to.
  3. You should also replace the 'title' tag description to display information about the site being linked to.
  4. You will also want to change the word 'eyecare101' to apply to the web page you're linking to.

More information about link HTML

Target="_blank" = This attribute setting forces a new tab to be create when a visitor clicks on a link. Alternatively you can use the target="_parent" which will cause the current web page to refresh and display the linked to content.

Title tag = Text contained within the title attribute is used to displayadditional information.

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