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Twitter Button Tumblr

Date: August 7, 2012 Author: ang Category: Social Media Tutorials Tags: , , Comments: 0

How to add a Twitter button on Tumblr. Below is a Twitter button code snippet and instruction on how to install it into your Twitter blog.

Twitter button for Tumblr code snippet

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<div style="position: absolute; left: 120px; top: 35px;"><a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="50" height="50" /></a></div>

Instructions on how to install the Twitter button on Tumblr

Insert the code snippet above somewhere in the body section of your Tumblr source code. Here's a tutorial on how to edit your Tumblr Source code.

Once you insert the snippet into your blog you'll want to change '' to be your Twitter page URL.

Increasing the 'left: 120px;' number value will move your Twitter social icon right while decreasing the value will move it left. Placing a negative number value for 'left: 120px;'  will move the Twitter icon even further left.

Increasing the 'top: 35px;' number value will move your Twitter social icon down while decreasing the value will move it up. Placing a negative number value for 'top: 35px;'  will move the Twitter icon even further up.

You can increase or decrease the size of the Twitter icon by modifying the 'width="50" height="50"' number values. Setting the height and width number values above 100 will result in a blurry Twitter icon image so don't go past 100x100.

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