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How To Find Blogs To Guest Post On

Date: September 16, 2012 Author: ang Category: How To Blog Internet Tips Tutorials Comments: 0

Guest posting is an important aspect of blogging as it raises your PR. You can easily find blogs to guest post on relative to your blog's subject matter using Google. Follow the instructions below to start finding blogs to guest post on.

Using Google to find blogs you can guest post on

  1. Go to
  2. In the search field type in 'submit a guest post keyword', and change the word 'keyword' to a word that represents your blog's subject matter. For example, if your blog is about 'music' you would Google the phrase 'submit a guest post music'. You should get a bunch of search results of blog guest post submit pages that focus on music.
  3. Here is a list of other search phrases you can use to find blogs to guest post on:
    -write for us keyword
    -submit a guest post keyword
    -guest post keyword
    -accepting guest posts keyword
    -guest post guidelines keyword
  4. You can also Google the term 'guest post by keyword' and you will get a list of search results of guest post authors posting on blog pertaining to the keyword you specified. If you can find blogs that allow others to guest post, then chances are you can too.

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