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Delete your Blogger Account

Date: May 12, 2012 Author: ang Category: Affordable Web Design How To Blog Tutorials Tags: , Comments: 0

First of all, when you delete your account, the posts and personal account information are removed from public view, but still remain in Blogger/Google's database for some reason. If you want to delete your Blogger account thoroughly you should delete all your  blog posts and account information first. Enter false information into the the fields that are required.

How to delete Blogger account

  1. Log into your account.
  2. Click on the blog from your list of blogs that you want to delete.
  3. Click on the 'Settings' option.
  4. Click 'Other'.
  5. At the top of the page under 'Blog Tools' you will see the 'Delete blog' option.

    Click the 'Delete blog' link.
  6. Click the 'Delete This Blog' button.
  7. You will notice that is says 'Deleted blogs (1)' after your list of blogs. This note displays because you have 90 days to 'Undelete' your blog. After the 90 days are up, your blog will be gone forever.


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