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Free Service or Product Advertising Online

Date: June 27, 2011 Author: ang Category: Affordable Web Design Online Advertising Tips Tutorials Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , Comments: 0

My favorite free places to advertise my business services online are, and When you post an ad on EbayClassifieds or Oodle you also have the option to let them auto post the ad on your twitter, Linkedin and Facebook accounts automatically.


First go to and create an account there.

  1. When you're finished with all the steps, click on your username link that appears in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Click 'Settings'.
  3. Click the 'Profile' tab.
  4. Enter your website URL in the 'Web' field.
  5. Upload your business logo as your profile picture by clicking on the 'Choose File' button and selecting your logo from your computer. Your logo should be a square image. If you purchased the 'Affordable Website Plan' from, I would have created a square logo for you called ~ 'logo_square.jpg'.
  6. Click the 'Save' button and don't close the browser window.

Twitter is a great free product advertising site. To advertise on Twitter, just spam-add other twitter members by searching target demographics. When you add them, they will usually return the favor and add you back reading your profile in the process. You can also send out tweets now and then, and hope they read them.


Next open a new browser tab and go to If you don't want your ads posted on your personal facebook profile, skip this Facebook section. Create a Facebook account or log into it if you already created one. Don't close the browser window.


Open a new browser tab and go to Create an account or log into it if you already have one. Don't close the browser window.

Open a new browser window and go to

  1. Click the 'Register' link at the top of the page and complete the registration process.
  2. Click the 'Manage My Ads' link at the top right of the screen.
  3. Click 'Post your free ad' button.
  4. Click the service link that relates to your product.
  5. Enter your product/service title into the 'Title' field and its description into the 'Description' field.
  6. Click 'Choose File' and upload a 500 x 375 pixel jpg image advertisement. If you purchased the 'Affordable Website Plan' I would have created this add for you and it would be called something like ~ebay_ad.jpg.
  7. Fill in the rest of the form and click the 'Preview Your Ad' button.
  8. Click the 'Post' button.
  9. Click the Facebook button to share the ad on your facebook. Do the same for Twitter and Linkedin.
  10. You're done, now you just have to wait for EbayClassifieds to post your ad.
  11. Click the 'Manage My Ads' link ad the top right of the screen. Here you can further edit your ad. Once your ad is processed (~5 min) an expiration date will appear(ads last for ~2 months). Take note of it and repost your ad again right after it expires.


  1. Click on the 'Post an Ad' button.
  2. Input the details into the text fields and upload your image add by clicking on 'Add a Photo'. Your image ad must be 477x349 pixels. If you purchase the 'Affordable Website Plan' I would have created this image ad for you named ~oodle_ad.jpg.
  3. Finish adding the details for the post.
  4. Make note of the expiration date at the top left of the screen and repost this ad after it expires.

  1. Go to and click on 'my account' in the top left corner of the screen.
  2. Click 'sign up for an account', complete the registration process and log in.
  3. Select what city you want to advertise to, from the drop down menu 'post new ad in:', and click the 'go' button.
  4. Continue setting up your post until input text fields appear.
  5. Input your 'Posting Title' and your 'Price' info.
  6. The 'Posting Description' field is your most important field because it accepts some HTML markup. This means that everyone who understands HTML will have pretty ad posts and everyone who doesn't will have ugly disregarded posts. For customers of my 'Affordable Website Plan' I create a professional looking ad for this section in the form of a text file titled 'craigslist_ad.txt' containing an html code snippet (example ad image). Paste your code snippet(or the text inside your text file craigslist_ad.txt) into the field and click the 'continue' button. Follow the steps until your posting is complete.
  7. Go to again and click on the 'my account' link. Notice how your post is listed there... After 3 days you can click the 'manage' link next to your post and select the 'Renew This Posting' button. This will repost your ad. You ads will be noticed the more if you repost them every 3 days instead of waiting longer. If your ad expires and disappears just recreate it.

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