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Hide home page title in WordPress

Date: November 2, 2013 Author: ang Category: Tutorials Websites WordPress Comments: 0

To hide the title of a particulate page in WordPress, the home page in this example, follow the steps below.

  1. Log into WordPress.
  2. Click on 'Appearance'.
  3. Click in 'Editor'.
  4. Click the link on the right side of the screen with the words 'page.php' underneath it.
  5. replace the line of code:
     PHP |  copy code |? 
    <?php the_title(); ?>
  6. Click the 'Update File' button.
  7. with

     PHP |  copy code |? 
    <?php if(is_page('Home')){}else{the_title();}?>

Note: Some WordPress themes don't properly display the correct page.php file in the WordPress editor. This is because the theme author modified WordPress's default page.php file and saved it as a different filename. You will know if this is the case because your changes have any affects. If this is the case, you will need to use an FTP program to find the correct file to modify. Usually the theme author will include the word 'page' in their modified version.

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