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SquirrelMail Eamil Signature

Date: May 12, 2012 Author: ang Category: Affordable Web Design Email Setup Tutorials Tags: , Comments: 0

Setting up an email signature in 'SquirrelMail'.

  1. Log into your SquirrelMail account.
  2. Click the 'Options' link at the top of the screen.

  3. Click the 'Personal Information' link.

  4. Enter your text email signature in the 'Signature' field. Because SquirrelMail doesn't allow the use of HTML you will need to create a text signature. Here is a text signature generator:  Use the ASCII text signature generator to create a signature of your name or website. Copy the pretty text signature and paste it into the SquirrelMail 'Signature' field:

  5. Click the 'Submit' button.

Your signature may look a little old school. but hey, maybe someone with think you're smart if not a little crazy.

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