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Add A PayPal Button to Blogger

Date: May 13, 2012 Author: ang Category: Affordable Web Design Business Internet Tips Tutorials Tags: , Comments: 4

You can put a paypal button on Blogger. First create a PayPal button using this tutorial(Create a custom PayPal button) then follow the instructions below to enter your paypal button code snippet into your Blogger blog. Keep in mind that certain gadgets don't display in certain themes.

Inserting PayPal button code snippet into your Blogger website

  1. Iog into your Blogger account.
  2. Click on the blog you want to add the button to.
  3. Click on the 'Layout' option.
  4. Click the 'Add A Gadget' button where you want your PayPal button to be located in the layout.
  5. Choose the 'HTML/JavaScript' gadget.
  6. Paste the PayPal code snippet in the 'Content' field.
  7. Click the 'Save' button.

That's it, now when you click the 'View Blog' button you should see the PayPal button. This is a great way to sell a product or service from your Blogger website.

  1. Date: August 2, 2012
    Author: angie

    I have tried this several times and nothing changes on my blog. The paypal button does not appear. I've followed each step exactly, but the button still does not appear on my page. Any help would be greatly appreciated! [Reply]

  2. Date: August 3, 2012
    Author: ang

    I've noticed that certain themes don't display all the gadgets. Try <a href="" title="gadgets not displaying blogger" rel="nofollow">changing your theme</a> and see if the gadget appears. If not, try disabling any other JavaScript based gadgets you currently have installed. Here's my working example: [Reply]

  3. Date: August 4, 2012
    Author: Dee

    Thank you so much for this tutorial. I was trying to figure out how to add the Paypal icon to my website all night and once I found your blog and step by step directions, it worked like a charm! Thank you!!!!!!!!!! [Reply]

  4. Date: August 4, 2012
    Author: ang

    Sure ;P [Reply]

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