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Godaddy ftp not working

Date: November 7, 2012 Author: ang Category: Tutorials Tags: , Comments: 0

Ok, so I've been trying to make changes to a website using ftp and Godaddy. When I make a change to the website, it's not being reflected on the site when I refresh the page until 11-180 seconds after the fact.

I called Godaddy, and demonstrated the problem to the rep. He didn't know why it was happening. He asked me if my browser was catching the un-updated versions of the website, but I knew that wasn't the case. I press the (Alt-f5) to update my browser and the WordPress website I'm working on doesn't use a page catching plugins.

I asked him when the best time to make website updates is in order to avoid possible server overload, and he said it would be after hours when people are asleep. Sure enough I waited until 12:00 am to make my changes, and it was working properly.



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