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Hide home page title in WordPress

Date: August 6, 2013 Author: ang Category: Tutorials WordPress Tags: , , Comments: 0

In this tutorial, I will show you how to hide the home page title on your WordPress website.

Hide the home page title in WordPress

  1. Log into your WordPress website.
  2. Click on 'Appearance'.
  3. Click on 'Editor'.
  4. Click on the link that represents page.php from the links on the right side of the screen. 
  5. Now you can see the php code for the php script that generates the pages for your WordPress website. Replace the code:
     PHP |  copy code |? 
    <h1 class="title"><?php  the_title();  ?></h1>

     PHP |  copy code |? 
    <? if(is_home){}else{ ?><h1 class="title"><?php  the_title();  ?></h1><? } ?>
  6. Click the 'Update file' button.
Now the page title won't display on the home page. All other pages shouldn't be affected.

Note: If this script isn't working, try replacing the word 'is_home' with 'is_front_page()'.

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