Register a Facebook Developers account
- Go to
- Click on the 'Apps' option at the top of the screen.
- Click the green 'Register as a Developer' button in the top right of the screen.
- Click the 'verify your account' link.
- Type in a mobile phone number in the 'Phone Number:' field.
- Facebook will text you and give you a confirmation code. Enter the confirmation code in the 'Code:' field.
- Click the 'Confirm' button.
- Finish filling out your profile details.
Create a Facebook Developers App
- Go to
- Click on the 'Apps' option at the top of the screen.
- Click the 'Create New App' button.
- Enter in the name of your app in the 'App Name:' field
- Check the 'Yes, I would like free web hosting provided by Heroku'.
- Click the continue button.
- Fill in the captcha field and click 'Continue'.
- Click the 'Create' button on the on 'Host your site with Heroku popup window.
- You are now at your Basic' setting window, with a popup window on top of it. Click the 'Go to App' button on the popup window.
- Navigate back to your 'Basic' settings window.
- Copy the 'App ID:' and save if to your records to use or for any WordPress apps.