If you accidentally deleted the content of your post and saved it, don't fret, WordPress records the content and title of your post and pages each time you click the update/publush button. WordPress keeps track of roughly the last 20 updates. You can access this data using the 'Revisions' feature.
- Log into your WordPress admin.
- Click on 'Pages' on the left hand side.
- Click the page you want to revise/restore. It should say 'Edit Page' at the top of the page.
- Click 'Screen Options' tab at the top of the web page.
- Check the 'Revisions' check-box.
- Scroll down the page and you can now see a list of your recent revisions in the 'Revisions' area.
- Click on the revision date to view the page's content at that time.
- Highlight and copy the entire block of markup.
- Click the back button on the browser to get back to the 'Edit Page' view.
- Click on the 'HTML' tab and delete all the content in the content area. The content area is the field just below the title field.
- Paste the markup block you copied earlier into the content field and click the 'Update' button.