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Add Skype To Website

Date: June 16, 2012 Author: ang Category: Affordable Web Design Business Internet Tips Social Networking Tutorials WordPress Tags: Comments: 0

You can add Skype to your website, web page, WordPress page, WordPress post or WordPress widget. Skype allows you to add a button to your page that visitors can click. If the visitor has skype also, they will automatically contact you. You can set the button to call you, start chatting with you, link to your Skype profile, add you to their skype, start a voice message or download a file. Follow the instructions below to add Skype to your website. You will need a Skype account to complete this tutorial.

Add Skype to Website

  1. Go to and log in.
  2. Next go to:
  3. Enter your name in the 'Enter your Skype Name' field.
  4. Cleck the options you prefer.
  5. The 'Function' drop-down menu item is where you can select whick action licking your Skype button will take.
  6. When you're done selecting the options, copy the entire code snippet and make sure the 'Web HTML' option is checked.

Now you can paste this code into your web page, WordPress page, WordPress post or WordPress widget to have to button appear. If you're pasting this code snippet into your WordPress page or post, make sure you have the HTML tab mode selected.

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